Asian American Cultural Exchange (AACE) is a Chicago Based nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Since its inception, AACE has been actively engaging in community service. AACE has been working with local Chicago dance companies to organize vigorous Chinese and western dance training for American born Chinese teenager dancers. These talented young artists have proudly shared this culture gem with a large variety of audiences through their frequent performances both domestically and abroad. Meanwhile, AACE initiated a program with Hubbard Street to invite Chinese certified accomplished dancer and choreographer to Chicago Hubbard Street Dance Company for a meaningful exchange in different Chinese and western dance philosophy, each dance style unique physical expression as well as to explore cross cultural choreograph.
亚美文化交流中心是2014年在美国注册总部位于芝加哥的一家非营利机构。机构以弘扬中国文化,促进中美文化艺术交流为宗旨,在创建后积极参与社区活动。 目前与芝加哥当地舞蹈团合作为在美的华人青少年量身定做中西舞蹈培训项目。 让这些有艺术热情和才华的孩子通过学习成为今后中美的艺术交流活动的使者。 同时,亚美文化邀请中国有成就的青年舞蹈家和编舞来美与久负盛名的芝加哥当地现代舞团就中美舞蹈理念,表现方式,舞蹈技巧,舞蹈理解切磋和交流。