AACE Latin Dance Crew Received Applause and Recognition from American Audience

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After eight-weeks of intense rehearsals, it was such an excitement that the AACE Latin dance crew officially debuted at the Studebaker Theater, presenting an exhilarating performance. AACE was the only chinese dance crew among the 30 latin dance schools which were introduced to an American audience during the christmas latin dance gala. Choreographed and staged by an experienced and respectful Latin instructor, Tommye Giacchino, the fourteen AACE dancers triumphantly moved with exceptional elegance in their group dance, “the Winter Wonderland”, in front of the latin devotees and dance critics.

In tune with the many requests from dance enthusiasts after the performance, AACE will keep such fervent kinship with the instructor, Tommye, who is the winner of “the British Open Invitational Exhibition Championship” mostly known as Blackpool. AACE will offer Latin class the coming spring, especially for Chinese Latin dance lover.

2016 AACE Latin/ballroom Dance Class




此次汇演非同一般,除了亚美拉丁班中国学员外,台上台下都是美国人,非专业拉丁舞者即资深拉丁观众。亚美拉丁班14位学员在经验丰富的Tommye老师悉心指导和严格训练下当晚成功演绎了拉丁风格群舞Winter Wonderland。大家火辣性感、整齐划一的拉丁舞步伴随耳熟能详的歌曲,在各校连排中赢得其他舞蹈学校老师和学员们的喝彩。正式演出时,舞蹈刚跳到一半,半数以上观众便跟着音乐给舞蹈伴唱,现场气氛热烈火爆,观众喝彩和掌声不绝于耳。

演出结束后Tommye老师激动地拥抱了我们每一个演员,并说:“It went great, you girls did wonderful job! I love you all!”

看完整场表演后,学员们脑海里只有四个字 — 激情四射。大家也都看到了自己的不足。“我们在动作熟练和整齐上不比任何学校的节目逊色,但是在舞步的精准,感情的投入和奔放的表演上我们远远不够”。学员们纷纷表示要从基础学起,掌握各舞种风格和技巧。

应大家要求,亚美文化继续与深受学生和业界同行喜爱和推崇,多次获得包括英国黑池比赛等世界赛事冠军获得者Tommye 老师合作,为中国拉丁舞蹈爱好者开设集体课。

2016 AACE 拉丁/ballroom 舞蹈班


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