Watch Out For This – 2018 Year-end Latin Performance


新年前夜AACE国标班受邀承担United Center Globetrotter 中场拉丁表演。Tommye 老师专业的儿童班、成人班群舞,双人舞编舞,几十位舞者们伴着火辣的的《Watch Out For This》 音乐,用热烈激情的舞步High翻全场。几千观众中,有的和着音乐给我们击掌打节拍, 有的从自己座位上站起来跟我们一起起舞, 还有的观众忙着录像照相,记录分享新年前的开心一刻。


It is hard to believe we have been taking AACE dance classes with Tommye for over a year! Looking back at what we have achieved together, I am truly proud of everyone on the team. The time we spend learning dance moves and rehearsing performance routines together becomes wonderful memories to cherish.

All these would have been impossible without our great teacher, Tommye. She is extremely knowledgeable, thoughtful, and patient. She teaches her students in a truly professional yet personal style, with both technical rigor and a light breeze. She holds high standards in her instruction, clearly seen from her carefully planned teaching schedule for each single class with the level of difficulty that fits our progress and at the same time keeps us challenged. The absolutely original choreography she creates for our holiday show is both elegant and charming, with incredible attention and precision down to every single beat! In between the steps and turns, her witty touch of humor cracks us up and sparks energy, really creating an upbeat atmosphere in the room. Each class is a treat indeed, for both body and soul. We can’t be more grateful for the opportunity to have her as our dance instructor.

Thank you, AACE, Thank you,Tommye, for everything you have done for us! They say it is never too late to pursue your dreams, and you have made us all believe that, to chase that dance dream long held in your heart, all you need to do is start moving!

2019 AACE拉丁舞班火热报名中:2019 AACE Latin/Ballroom Dance Class – Session 1


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