2019-2020 Taoli World Dance Competitions – Chicago

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The Taoli World Dance Competition is created by renowned dance educator, Professor Pan, Zhitao, who was also founded the original Taoli Cup in China. Organized by Pan America Chinese Dance Alliance (PACDA), one of the most important goals of the Taoli World Dance Competition is to discover and cultivate new talents. Additionally, the competition also serves to showcase the achievements of dance instructors in both the United States and China, promote higher levels of teaching and performing, stimulate new dance creations, and propel dance development in all over the world. The panel of judges that has been assembled for this competition include some of the most celebrated artists in the international dance community. Under their observation and guidance, the contestants can express themselves to the fullest. Through their dance, the contestants can tell stories of life’s ebb and flow, convey desires for happiness, and celebrate progress and development of harmony in the world. Selected dances of the regional competitions will advance to the final competition. Award winning dances and groups will have opportunities to be invited to join the national and world tour.

Whether you are a casual lover of dance or a well-trained professional, a graceful adult or a vibrant child, as long as you dance full of passion and love, then the Taoli Cup can be your stage. A more luxurious mentor line-up, a more beautiful atmosphere, a more personalized service, this competition is bound to be amazing. Registration has already started and we invite every one of you to join us in this sure to be inspiring experience.




2017-2018年度国际桃李盃舞蹈大賽于2018年8月在加州舉行,由2000选手带来了300余参赛作品, 历时6天。芝加哥赛区选送的节目取得了傲人的成绩!如今,2019-2020的年度賽事即将開始报名。無論是舞蹈愛好者,還是專業的舞蹈演員,無論是青春洋溢的兒童和少年,還是容光煥發風姿卓越的成年人,只要您對舞蹈滿懷熱愛,充滿激情,國際桃李杯舞蹈大賽都能提供一個全方位展示自己的舞台。更豪華的導師陣容,更唯美的現場氛圍,更人性化的選手服務,今年的比賽勢必是令人倍加期待的一屆。誠邀每一位熱愛舞蹈的「您」前來參賽。

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