2017-2018 Taoli World North America Regional Competitions – Chicago

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The Taoli World Dance Competition is created by renowned dance educator, Professor Pan, Zhitao, who was also founded the original Taoli Cup in China. Organized by Pan America Chinese Dance Alliance (PACDA), one of the most important goals of the Taoli World Dance Competition is to discover and cultivate new talents. Additionally, the competition also serves to showcase the achievements of dance instructors in both the United States and China, promote higher levels of teaching and performing, stimulate new dance creations, and propel dance development in all over the world. The panel of judges that has been assembled for this competition include some of the most celebrated artists in the international dance community. Under their observation and guidance, the contestants can express themselves to the fullest. Through their dance, the contestants can tell stories of life’s ebb and flow, convey desires for happiness, and celebrate progress and development of harmony in the world. Selected dances of the regional competitions will advance to the final competition. Award winning dances and groups will have opportunities to be invited to join the national and world tour.

Compared to last year’s competition, this year covers even more ground. There will be seven regionals in North America and anyone can participate. Whether you are a casual lover of dance or a well-trained professional, a graceful adult or a vibrant child, as long as you dance full of passion and love, then the Taoli Cup can be your stage. A more luxurious mentor line-up, a more beautiful atmosphere, a more personalized service, this competition is bound to be amazing. Registration has already started and we invite every one of you to join us in this sure to be inspiring experience.

海外桃李盃國際舞蹈大賽源於中國舞蹈最高榮譽 “桃李盃舞蹈比賽”,由中國知名舞蹈教育家、桃李杯創始人潘志濤教授與眾多舞蹈藝術家精心打造。海外桃李盃的宗旨在於傳承並傳播中華文化,發揚舞蹈愛好者對真善美的追求。大賽理念著重培養舞蹈愛好者的綜合素質、陶冶情操、提升素質與美育專業高度。海外桃李盃也希望匯聚海內外有夢想有追求的舞蹈愛好者,共同搭建權威舞蹈交流展示平臺, 從而達到在世界範圍內傳播中華舞蹈文化的目的。




2016-2017年度海外桃李盃國際舞蹈大賽2017年1月21日在洛杉磯舉行了年度總決賽,並在1月22日舉辦了盛大的頒獎典禮。芝加哥赛区白金奖节目取得了傲人的成绩!如今,2017-2018的年度賽事已開始报名。新一賽季的海外桃李盃舞蹈大賽之全球總決賽絢麗升華為 “國際桃李盃” 舞蹈大賽。


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